
Best Air purifier for better breath
Best Air purifier for better breath
  • What’s a Good Filter?
  • Electret Film Filter
  • Electret Embossing HEPA
  • Hybrid Synergy

We need much better air filtration technology,
for our own space.

There are a lot of noises of TV, Air conditioner and fridge in the living room.
What about our private room when we take a rest and fell into a deep sleep?
The air purifier that places near of the bed, on the desk, and inside of the vehicle
must be quiet, cost-effective, and high performance, as we spent 86% of 24 hours a day
in those places. We recognize necessity of technology differentiation for developing
the air purifier for various places.

Filter Quality Factor

Through the Filter Quality Factor estimate equation, it shows
what a good filter is.
The denominator means pressure loss by the filter, and the
numerator represents the efficiency of dust removal. Therefore,
the gap between the pressures reduces, and the efficiency of
dust removal increase to make a high quality of filter.
To sum up, the factor of the best filter is having a better air
circulation, and fine particle filtration system.

Filter for more efficient but low-noise air purifiers

Clair develops the filter that has a great air circulation with maintaining the
efficiency of air purification with its fulfill ability.
Ventilation of the filter is the key technology due to much more inhale,
purify, and emit much more air through a much smaller fan.

Electret, the secret of air purifying
system of Clair

We focused on the Electret technology when we discussed about high
efficiency of filtration but still a great air circulation.
A principle of Clair filter is attracting the pollutants in the air by
Coulomb force of permanent static in the surface of the
Electret Film Filter, just like a magnet does.

Electret Film Filter(e2f)

Through the irregular embossing structure in the cylindrical filter,
the strong attraction of the permanent static on both sides of the film makes
it possible to remove 99% of fine dust even smaller than 0.1 micrometer.
Particles with polarity are collected on the surface of films with opposite polarity,
and particles without polarity are polarized through the induction of static
electricity as they pass through the filter.
Through the principle, E2F filter is characterized by the efficient removal of even
the smallest particles by removing pollutants in the air by pulling them
out like magnets rather than filtering them out as fabric filter.

No. 0481289 Air Purify Filter

Certification No : 2003-0010899
Certification Date : 2003. 02. 21
Registration Date: 2005.03.28

Electret is a compound word of Electricity and Magnet

Color change of the Electret Film Filter

Change every 6 to 12 months

MAF (Magnetic Air Filtration)

MAF (Magnetic Air Filtration) is CLAIR’s high-efficiency air purified technology,
which enhanced 15% of e2f performance by collaborating with a
Government-supported Research Institute. It can maintain and improve
performance of the filter much longer and much better to forced injection
polarity in particles by a charger on the air inlet.

Method of Test: Korea Air Cleaning Association Standardization
(SPS-KACA200-132, Indoor Air Purifier)

Just only HEPA? , Electret Embossing HEPA!

Electret Embossing HEPA filter is developed that can reduce noises and electricity
costs while purifying much more amount of the air when we apply the embossed
process on fabric type of HEPA and Electret Charge Technology,
which are CLAIR’s core technologies.

Beyond HEPA, Electret Embossing HEPA

Electret Embossing HEPA improves performance of particle removal by approximately 10% as maintains the performance
of HEPA and increases permeability by extending the surface of the filter.

Result of official test report, approximately 10% of performance improvement

Result of AP01 performance test, CLAIR, Inc. air purifier with Embossing Filter
Result of AP01 performance test, CLAIR, Inc. air purifier with Flat Filter
Result of official test report, approximately 8% of performance improvement

The best combination of
Electret film and HEPA filter

Hybrid Synergy Filter System has united advantages of Electret Embossed
HEPA Filter, which is a filter type that has a great particle removal
performance and E2F filter that is superior to attract fine-particles,
hard to filter by HEPA, which is similar to a magnet.

Hybrid Synergy 99.8% > H13 HEPA 99.75%

E2f filter is the first stage of filtration that captures pollutions by force of permanent static. The particles that are not captured gain static when
they pass the filter by electrostatic phenomenon. Passed particles are purified in second filtration system by electrostatic from Electret
Embossing Filter and fabric structure.

Likewise, it shows performances more than H13 HEPA as Hybrid Synergy Effect.

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